Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feeling Pressured

This will be kind of a lame post, but I have to release it and see if it helps. So lately I have been feeling really pressured to have another baby. I do not feel near ready to have another one and quite enjoy my time with Huntyr. I can't get over the pressure I am feeling by no fault of anyone but me.

This is why I am feeling pressured.
  • I only have one child the pressure to not have an only pressure
  • All my friends, well most have more than one child
  • I want my kids close but how close is close, should I be having one now
  • I don't want to be old when they get grown up..selfish reason I know
  • I am getting older (by Utah standards) as having kids
  • We have been married for 8 1/2 years and only have 1 child
  • people at work telling me I need to have another one

Can someone just tell me its okay to wait until I'm completely ready and that my points are valid?

I just want to enjoy this mug for a while longer

11 little notes:

Mandie said...

I say do what you want to do. It's your life not theirs. My kids are 3 1/2 yrs apart and I would not have done it any other way. I wanted to spend more time with my first and enjoyed it. Time flys way to fast to miss it. It surely changes when you have two. Two little people to split your time with. Hope this helps, don't feel pressured!

Hayley said...

You are crazy not to wait until your ready! You are the one who has to take care of them! don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

dido are a wonderful mother....that is all that counts! (i have friends that have 4-5 kids that are younger than me and whom have been married shorter than me....foowee with them, i have had the time of my life with the years with my hubby and now with tate.)

Haylee Munk Brown said...

I agree with the other posts!!! You wait until you are ready!!! Believe me, I know this kind of pressure!!! I am 28 and don't have any kids. My mom always tells me she is the oldest non grandma in Utah, but I think it has been good that Chris and I have waited. So if you want to wait, do it!!!

symony said...

I have lots of people tell me I am crazy for having my kids close together but that is what I want so who cares what everyone else says do what you want it is your famiy and you life do what you want to do!

Nyman's said...

Thanks everybody, I just needed to feel okay about it all. You guys are great friends!!

Gingersnaps said...

I totally agree with what everyone else says, except for one small thing ... some people may never be "READY" per say... it is a huge commitment. Life changing! I think the only way to get that lightning bolt answer is to ask the big man upstairs and prayerfully listen. That will give you peace and comfort either way - and by the way, you are in no means getting too "old" or should be concerned about a time crunch, your baby is still little, enjoy him! :)

~Kandi said...

Ditto to all of the comments. You have to be the one that makes that final choice. HVN is a funny little dude and you should spend as much time with him as you can. But then again what do I know. So I agree with Ginger, talk to the one that really knows you.

kibs said...

Yeah, do what you feel good about, but I will tell you....Here I am 39finally having the 3rd child we have always wanted and everyday I wonder if I'm ready and why am I doing this. I don't know if you ever feel ready, but that all seems to change when that little one is here.

mandy said...

You will know when your ready. Youb are such a great mom. Huntyr is lucky.

Holly Jo said...

People stink, That is the bottom line! I quit going to church, and I still dread going to the grocery store because everyone always says, when are you going to have more kids? I see all my friends trying to figure out how to deal with several children, and one or two of the kids feeling left out all the time. I am so grateful that I have the time to give my kids the love and attention that they need because I only have two.(not my choice that they both came at once)! Only you know what you can handle so do what makes you happy! ;)