Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall is a time for change

I have been so inspired by other people chopping their hair off, I have found myself joining in with a cut and color. Thanks to Kandi and Melissa and others who have recently posted their new hair on the blog.

When I came home, Huntyr said to me "mom hair cut, pretty (complete with petting it) I love that kid!

Thanks Mandy I love it!

P.S I hate pictures of myself, but I guess I have to face it, that is how I look.. Bummer!!

11 little notes:

Hayley said...


BEMS FACS said...

Way cute!! it looks so good! New hair styles are always a good change!

~Kandi said...

Love it, Love it, love it. But you are beautiful no matter what.

Trisha said...

It looks awesome!

mandy said...

Yea I am so glad that you liked it. I am also glad Huntyr liked it he is so dang cute.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

very cute! you are HOT!

kibs said...

Aww look at you! For a minute there I thought the second picture was Kandi. lol You are one HOT chickie!!!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

i just started a blog. go to the bottom and sign in and pass the word to as many 99ers as possible. this is to keep in touch and if we ever get a reunion we can pass the word.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

you never added a pic of you and yours to the guestbook blog...would love to see it! thanks for playing along.

Krazy Kirbys said...

The cut is awesome! I think it is great! and short hair so so easy to manage! the only downfall is when you want it off your neck and out of your face the pony wont work! lol LOVE IT!
P.S. just got set up for Bill Pay! Thanks!

Tim and Melissa said...

Ok - I'm so behind on checking your blog! Love the hair cut! You look great! Way to be brave!!

I love Huntyr's reaction!