I have been tagged by Gentry so here goes
Eight tv shows I like to watch (I don't think I have 8 so I'll name as many as I watch)
1- Dancing with the stars
2- Amazing Race
3- Brooke knows best
4- Jay Leno
5- Two and 1/2 Men
6- I Love Money
7- CSI Las Vegas
8 - House
Eight things that happened yesterday
1- I took a shower
2- I went to work
3- I bought my halloween costume to match with Huntyr
4- I helped my mom make her church newsletter
5- I checked out the local grocery store for the first time
6- I went to dinner with my most favorite boys
7- I did my weekly cleaning of the house
8- Took very hot bath before retiring to bed
Eight places I love to eat
1- Josh's Kitchen
2- Maddox
3- Happy Sushi
4- Iggy's
5- Cafe Sabor
6- Coppermill
7- Taco Time (running out of places to pick)
8- Hamilton's
Eight things I look forward too
1- completing another 80 mile bike tour and completing the Lotoja race
2- loosing weight
3- having another baby with my wonderful husband (no I'm not announcing anything)
4- spending every minute I can with Huntyr
5- Christmas
6- Hunting season being over with
7- parties on my deck
8- putting in my yard ( I know that is lame to look forward too)
Eight people I have tagged
1- Kandi
2- Danielle
3- Becky
4- Jackie
5- Tara
6- Mandy
7- Haylee
8- Hayley
Christmas 2014!
10 years ago
3 little notes:
Hey there! the photocake was so easy...I printed out the 8x10 digital scrapbook page and my mom took it into Target bakery and they did the rest, awesome! I hear Wal-mart does the photo cakes, too...
I didn't know you worked at Icon! What do you do there? Do you know Trav?
I miss you guys in our ward! how do you like your new home?
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