Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hebgen Lake, Yest Wellowston Montana

July 24th

Every year we plan a big camping trip with my family and Josh parents come, which always makes for a very fun adventure. This year we picked a place none of us had really gone. From the moment we stepped out of the truck we were greeted with mosquito's and I'm not meaning the little ones down home but these were gigantic and in swarms. We should have taken stock in repellent before we left. We had some but it was not keeping them away, and we applied every 5 to 10 minutes. I would sit at the fire, with repellent all over me holding a citranilla candle in hopes it would help. We did have an awesome time despite those mosquito's. One day I went fishing out on the platoon boats with my dad and I knew right when he got done fishing that is when I would get the entire paddling thing down(which was the only place away from the mosquito's). We drove into West Yellowstone and looked around and we also went to Quake Lake which I'll do a seperate post about that. We all had a good time and even though we came home looking like we had some type of disease with red dots with all the bites we got, it was still a lot of fun to go and be with the family.
I'd never seen such a huge massive lake in all my life. It was so pretty that all I remembered to do were take pictures of the lake....sorry

Tyler above out on the platoon boat fishing (above) Huntyr (below) fishing on the banks with his dad.

0 little notes: